Who do I contact if I do not know what to do?
In the junior school please contact your son or daughter's class teacher. in the senior school please contact your son or daughter's form tutor, head of year or head of Key Stage for guidance. Where can I find information on distance learning? The school has sent a guide called “Distance learning procedures”. This guide has been emailed directly to parents and a copy has been placed on the school website under policies. When should my child be working? What times of day? Ideally, children should be working during the normal school day which starts at 8am in the morning until 3 pm in the afternoon. Teachers will be setting work according to a timetable which is based on the normal school day. Teachers may arrange video conferences or small group sessions with individual students at prearranged times during this day which children will be expected to join. Please see the next question about making sure children have breaks and are not working constantly at their computer all day. When should my child have breaks? it is important that your child has regular breaks between working sessions please remember that in school we do have breaks when children move between activities and move between classrooms. We also have two main breaks during the school day when they can eat and get refreshed. It is quite likely that their distance learning work will be intense and therefore they may need more breaks. It is a good idea for children to get up to walk around to do some physical activity regularly during the day. What activities can my child do to help keep fit and active during the school day given that they will not have access to sports facilities or the playground to run around in. It is a good idea for children to spend some of their day doing physical exercise. This might include playing sports with their brothers and sisters or other members of their family or getting together with some of their friends to play. This type of activity is an important part of their general education and learning to interact with other people. Otherwise we would advise that they do some sort of stress relieving exercise and a number can be recommended from the internet. Will my child receive homework? Activities will be set and children will be expected to complete activities either during the day or as part of the extended day. Generally work will need to be completed within 24-hours of being set and this work will then be marked and feedback provided to the children. Will my child be working on the computer all day? Your child must not be working on the computer all day. There will be activities which need to be printed off or which will have been sent home with your child to be completed using a pen and paper. They may also need access to their normal exercise books. If this is necessary, they can collect this from school by prior arrangement. Alternatively, we advise that students collate all work in one exercise book. Screen time should be limited depending upon the age of the child but excessive time looking at a computer screen is not good for anybody. Do I need to provide any resources to support the learning? You will need to provide a range of resources depending upon the age of your child. This might include writing and drawing materials as well as access to a printer to be able to print off worksheets or other materials which have been sent from school. Where should my child work? Your child should work in a place where they can concentrate easily which is well lit and well aired. it is important that this is an area where they can be supervised by other people so they should not be locked away in their bedrooms. How do I know who my child is talking to and working with? Generally your son or daughter will be working on tasks which have been set by the teacher to complete by themselves. They should not need to discuss this with their friends or other members of their class. They may have conversations with teachers at school but all of these conversations should be logged by the teacher and also by the children. Can my child come into school to collect any books or items? Your child may come to school to collect items provided this has been arranged with a member of staff at school. What do I do if my child does not know what to do with the work they are set? It is our aim that work should be appropriately differentiated but if your child is having problems understanding what to do, it is important that you or they contact their teacher and explain the difficulties that you are having. The curriculum support team are available to provide individual support as they do in school and they may be alerted if necessary to provide assistance. Will my child receive feedback? As part of the distance learning programme, teachers will be providing individualised and group feedback on tasks. We see this as an important part of the learning process. Will my child have interaction with their teacher? Your child will receive instructions from their teacher each day for each subject and they may also have video or conference calls with their teacher which include a small group of other students as well. Your child will not have a one-to-one conversation with any of their teachers. How is my child's learning being monitored during this period of school closure? The school will be monitoring your child's participation in the distance learning programme and feedback will be provided. individual teachers will be recording the progress they are making through the assignments that they are completing and helping set targets for their future work as happens normally in school
We are very proud of what is reflected in this report and encourage you to read the below extracts as well as the full report.
"The British International School Cairo maintains a high reputation both within Cairo and regionally. Academic standards, particularly in key stage 4 and 5, are high. All stakeholders take a keen and committed interest in the success of the school. The school’s senior leadership team and board of directors have managed the school effectively during a period of change both internally for the school and externally within Cairo. The school offers a rich and broad curriculum that is well resourced and enhances the learning experience for all its pupils."
The Internet has revolutionised the way we exchange ideas, communicate, learn from one another and coordinate collective action. Today's generation of children and adolescents are growing up immersed in media. This includes platforms that allow users to both consume and create content, including broadcast and streamed television and movies, sedentary and active video games, social and interactive media that can be creative and engaging, and even highly immersive virtual reality. When used effectively an iPad is an excellent stimulus and tool to extend and consolidate learning. Our job as teachers and parents is to harness the opportunities digital technology makes possible while at the same time mitigating its harmful effects. The Junior School ‘Online Safety Day’ on 3rd October provided an opportunity for pupils, parents and teachers to understand and reflect upon the concerns we have surrounding online safety. It became evident that our children use online devices and access social networking much more than the average pupil globally. One common theme raised by parents was limiting the amount of time that children spend on their devices. This is a very real concern and it is important that we balance screen time with time spent socialising, reading, studying, playing and having fun. In mid-September Apple launched its iOS 12 update. This update includes a Screen Time feature. This new feature provides parents with tools to monitor and control their child’s device usage. Many parents at BISC have already begun to utilise the Screen Time feature effectively. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T9Q-_Fhifxg The following information has been taken from the American Academy of Pediatrics and Apple Support. It provides guidance on how to set up appropriate controls. Please note that you must update devices to iOS 12 to enable access to controls through the settings menu. Mr Davies Junior School Assistant Head, Pastoral ![]() Designate media-free times together, such as dinner or driving, as well as media-free locations at home, such as bedrooms. Have ongoing communication about online citizenship and safety, including treating others with respect both online and offline. https://www.aap.org/en-us/about-the-aap/aap-press-room/Pages/American-Academy-of-Pediatrics-Announces-New-Recommendations-for-Childrens-Media-Use.aspx
Following several years of negotiation, the Board of Directors finally reached agreement with the Ministry of Education (“MoE”) and signed a Protocol with the Ministry on 31st May 2018. The below letter from the Board of Directors outlines what this means for BISC.
Congratulations to Year 13 BISC students who have received offers from a range of universities worldwide including:
In the USA University of Arizona, Berkley, Boston, Chicago, Columbia, Duke, Emory, George Washington, Georgia Tech, Northeastern. NYU, Parsons, Pratt, University of Pennsylvania, San Diego, Stanford, Syracuse and UCLA. Additionally, students have secured places on the waitlist for Boston, Carnegie Melon, Chicago, Columbia, Princeton and NYU. In the UK Bath. Birmingham, Bristol, Coventry London, City, Edinburgh, Exeter, Goldsmiths, Imperial College, Keele, Kings College Manchester. Lancaster, Liverpool, Leeds, Loughborough, Liverpool, Nottingham, Royal Holloway, Southampton, Sheffield, SOAS, St Georges, Surrey, University of the Arts London, UCL. Queen Mary, Queens University, Belfast. Westminster and Warwick. In European countries outside of UK Franklin (Switzerland) IE University (Spain) University of Amsterdam and University of Rotterdam. In Canada Alberta, Guelph, Mgill, Ottawa, Toronto, Waterloo, University of British Columbia and Western Ontario. Programme Objectives
Course fee: £250 This includes course fee, lunch and refreshments during the course and all course handouts. (Discount available for groups of 3 or more)